Jobs for Nature

Mahi mō te Taiao
Creating jobs while ensuring environmental benefits.

Mō te hotaka

About the programme

Jobs for Nature is a $1.185 billion programme that manages funding across multiple government agencies to benefit the environment, people and the regions. It is part of the COVID-19 recovery package.
Funding progress
Projects approved

Projects approved means a project has been approved for funding. This number includes projects in contract and completed.

Funding approved

Funding approved means an application submitted to one of the five Jobs for Nature agencies progressed to the contracting phase.

$ 1.16B
Funding contracted

Funding contracted means a funding recipient and a Jobs for Nature agency entered a formal and legally binding agreement for the recipient to deliver their project.

Projects approved
Funding approved
$ 1.16B
Funding contracted

Projects approved means a project has been approved for funding. This number includes projects in contract and completed.

Funding approved means an application submitted to one of the five Jobs for Nature agencies progressed to the contracting phase.

Funding contracted means a funding recipient and a Jobs for Nature agency entered a formal and legally binding agreement for the recipient to deliver their project.

Kaupapa putea

Funded projects

Jobs for Nature has funded environmental projects to benefit the environment and people across New Zealand.
Number of projects that support different environmental objectives
Weed and pest projects
Capability development projects
Freshwater projects
Restoration projects
Progress on Creating jobs
Environmental benefits achieved